Lesson 6: Effect of Exercise Investigation Revision Notes
Lesson Objectives
In this fun lesson, we'll discover how doing exercises affects our heart rate. By the end, you'll be able to:
Grade B: Talk about how exercise changes your heart rate (how fast your heart beats) and show your findings in a graph (a drawing that shows information).
Grade A: Write a conclusion (a final thought based on what you learned from your experiment).

Understanding Heart Rate and Exercise
Your heart rate, or pulse, is how many times your heart beats in a minute. It's like your heart's speedometer, showing how hard it's working.
How Does Exercise Affect Heart Rate?
When you exercise, your muscles work harder and need more oxygen (a gas in the air that your body uses to make energy).
To get more oxygen to your muscles, your heart pumps faster, which makes your heart rate go up.
Measuring Your Pulse
You can feel your pulse in places where blood vessels are close to the skin, like your wrist or neck. It feels like a little beat or thump under your fingers.
Doing the Investigation
Before starting: Guess what you think will happen to your heart rate when you exercise.
Doing exercises: Try different exercises like jumping jacks or running in place.
Measuring heart rate: After exercising, count how many beats you feel in your wrist or neck in one minute.
Recording results: Write down your heart rate before and after exercising.
Plotting on a Graph
On your graph, you can show your heart rate on the side going up and down (this is called the y-axis) and the type of exercise or time before and after exercising along the bottom (the x-axis).
You'll see how your heart rate changes with different exercises.
Writing a Conclusion
Think about your experiment and what you noticed. Did your heart rate go up after exercising? Why is it important for your heart to beat faster when you exercise?
Keywords Simplified
Fitness: How well your body works and how healthy it is.
Pulse: The beats you feel when your heart pumps blood.
Heart: The muscle in your chest that pumps blood around your body.
This lesson helps us understand why our hearts beat faster when we exercise and how we can see this change with our own experiments. Remember, exercise is good for keeping our hearts healthy and strong!